399 research outputs found

    Quinoa biomass production capacity and soil nutrient deficiencies in pastures, tree plantations and native forests in the Andean Highlands of Southern Ecuador

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    In the high Andes of Ecuador, although expanding agricultural practices and overgrazing have had negative impacts on soil fertility, few investigations have been conducted to identify which practices are most likely to reduce fertility. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) was grown in soils from native forests, Nf; pastures, Pa; Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations, Eg; and Pinus patula Schlecht. plantations, Pp. A bioassay study was conducted using a randomized block design with control (C), ammonium nitrate (N), triple superphosphate (P), and combined N and P (N+P) fertilizer treatments. On soils from Pp, quinoa mortality was 100% in N, 88% in C, 63% in N+P and 0% in P; P enhanced growth the most; quinoa biomass attained only 0.1 g/pot and had a P content of 0.7 mg/pot. N+P enhanced quinoa growth the most on soils from Nf, Pa and Eg. Here, quinoa biomass (g/pot) averaged 0.1 in C, 0.4 in N, 1.6 in P and 7.2 in N+P; P content (mg/pot) averaged 0.9 in C, 0.6 in N, 12 in P and 38 in N+P. In all soils, PO4- was the principal limiting factor. K deficiencies and Al toxicity probably occurred only in Pp soils. This study suggests that the studied soils cannot support production of quinoa crops without additions of combined fertilizers containing P and K as the principal elements. Pp have the least fertile soils, presumably resulting from a longer history of use after pasturing in addition to the pine effect itself

    Paludification of boreal soils reduces wood decomposition rates and increases wood-based carbon storage

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    Over long time periods, paludification reduces aboveground productivity resulting in forest retrogression. Paludified forests are typified by intense accumulation of the soil organic layer and a reduction in soil temperatures and nutrient availability. En route to paludification, early successional forests experience large inputs of deadwood biomass during the senescence of the post-fire cohort, much of which may be entombed in this rapidly growing soil organic layer. Here we examined the effects of paludification across a.2000-year chronosequence of black spruce forests on wood decomposition using three complementary approaches.We (1) repeatedly measuredwood density of logs through time, (2) utilize a time-series of logs that varied in time since death, and (3) estimate woody biomass at the stand level as it progresses from live trees to snags, logs and ultimately to buried or decomposed deadwood. Together these approaches demonstrated a 6-7-year delay before the onset of rapid decomposition.We also found strong evidence that paludification results in a large proportion of logs becoming buried in the soil organic layer. Stand level modeling indicates that the rates of accumulation of buried deadwoodwere greatest following the senescence of the post-fire cohort when both soil organic layer build-up and creation of deadwood peaked. Following this period of high deadwood creation, stands enter a retrogressive state whereby productivity continues to decline albeit more slowly. Continued losses inwoody carbon biomass fromtrees during this retrogressive state are offset by lower wood decomposition rates and a high biomass of accumulated buried deadwood, essentially stabilizing the wood based carbon budget in these ecosystems.We recommend that partial cutting be conducted prior to or near the senescence of the post-fire cohort to improve emulation of natural forest succession in terms of both live tree and deadwood biomass. Furthermore, deadwood during this period has an extremely short residence time and the dynamics of deadwood should recover much quicker than if harvesting is conducted later in succession when there is less live tree biomass and deadwood has longer residence times

    A tree species effect on soil that is consistent across the species\u27 range: the case of aspen and soil carbon in North America.

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    Trembling aspen covers a large geographic range in North America, and previous studies reported that a better understanding of its singular influence on soil properties and processes is of high relevance for global change questions. Here we investigate the potential impact of a shift in aspen abundance on soil carbon sequestration and soil carbon stability at the continental scale by conducting a systematic literature review using 23 published studies. Our review shows that aspen’s effect on soil carbon is relatively consistent throughout the species range. Aspen stores less C in the forest floor but similar amounts in the mineral soil relative to conifers. However, a robust set of indicators of soil C stability, for example, degree of organo-mineral associations, proportion of readily-available or labile C estimated during long-term soil incubations or using hot-water extraction, pattern of soil C distribution, and temperature sensitivity of soil heterotrophic respiration, reveals that the soil organic carbon (SOC) stock under aspen is more stable, rendering it more protected against environmental changes and soil disturbances. Therefore, our continental-scale analysis highlights that an increase in the abundance of trembling aspen in North American forests may increase the resistance and resilience of soil C stocks against global changes

    Forest productivity decline caused by successional paludification of boreal soils

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    Long-term forest productivity decline in boreal forests has been extensively studied in the last decades, yet its causes are still unclear. Soil conditions associated with soil organic matter accumulation are thought to be responsible for site productivity decline. The objectives of this study were to determine if paludification of boreal soils resulted in reduced forest productivity, and to identify changes in the physical and chemical properties of soils associated with reduction in productivity. We used a chronosequence of 23 black spruce stands ranging in postfire age from 50 to 2350 years and calculated three different stand productivity indices, including site index. We assessed changes in forest productivity with time using two complementary approaches: (1) by comparing productivity among the chronosequence stands and (2) by comparing the productivity of successive cohorts of trees within the same stands to determine the influence of time independently of other site factors. Charcoal stratigraphy indicates that the forest stands differ in their fire history and originated either from high- or low-severity soil burns. Both chronosequence and cohort approaches demonstrate declines in black spruce productivity of 50-80% with increased paludification, particularly during the first centuries after fire. Paludification alters bryophyte abundance and succession, increases soil moisture, reduces soil temperature and nutrient availability, and alters the vertical distribution of roots. Low-severity soil burns significantly accelerate rates of paludification and productivity decline compared with high-severity fires and ultimately reduce nutrient content in black spruce needles. The two combined approaches indicate that paludification can be driven by forest succession only, independently of site factors such as position on slope. This successional paludification contrasts with edaphic paludification, where topography and drainage primarily control the extent and rate of paludification. At the landscape scale, the fire regime (frequency and severity) controls paludification and forest productivity through its effect on soil organic layers. Implications for global carbon budgets and sustainable forestry are discussed

    Long-range electronic reconstruction to a dxz,yzd_{xz,yz}-dominated Fermi surface below the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interface

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    Low dimensionality, broken symmetry and easily-modulated carrier concentrations provoke novel electronic phase emergence at oxide interfaces. However, the spatial extent of such reconstructions - i.e. the interfacial "depth" - remains unclear. Examining LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 heterostructures at previously unexplored carrier densities n2D≄6.9×1014n_{2D}\geq6.9\times10^{14} cm−2^{-2}, we observe a Shubnikov-de Haas effect for small in-plane fields, characteristic of an anisotropic 3D Fermi surface with preferential dxz,yzd_{xz,yz} orbital occupancy extending over at least 100~nm perpendicular to the interface. Quantum oscillations from the 3D Fermi surface of bulk doped SrTiO3_3 emerge simultaneously at higher n2Dn_{2D}. We distinguish three areas in doped perovskite heterostructures: narrow (<20<20 nm) 2D interfaces housing superconductivity and/or other emergent phases, electronically isotropic regions far (>120>120 nm) from the interface and new intermediate zones where interfacial proximity renormalises the electronic structure relative to the bulk.Comment: Supplementary material available at Scientific Reports websit

    Novel Association of HK1 with Glycated Hemoglobin in a Non-Diabetic Population: A Genome-Wide Evaluation of 14,618 Participants in the Women's Genome Health Study

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    Type 2 diabetes is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. While genetic variants have been found to influence the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, relatively few studies have focused on genes associated with glycated hemoglobin, an index of the mean blood glucose concentration of the preceding 8–12 weeks. Epidemiologic studies and randomized clinical trials have documented the relationship between glycated hemoglobin levels and the development of long-term complications in diabetes; moreover, higher glycated hemoglobin levels in the subdiabetic range have been shown to predict type 2 diabetes risk and cardiovascular disease. To examine the common genetic determinants of glycated hemoglobin levels, we performed a genome-wide association study that evaluated 337,343 SNPs in 14,618 apparently healthy Caucasian women. The results show that glycated hemoglobin levels are associated with genetic variation at the GCK (rs730497; P = 2.8×10−12), SLC30A8 (rs13266634; P = 9.8×10−8), G6PC2 (rs1402837; P = 6.8×10−10), and HK1 (rs7072268; P = 6.4×10−9) loci. While associations at the GCK, SLC30A8, and G6PC2 loci are confirmatory, the findings at HK1 are novel. We were able to replicate this novel association in an independent validation sample of 455 additional non-diabetic men and women. HK1 encodes the enzyme hexokinase, the first step in glycolysis and a likely candidate for the control of glucose metabolism. This observed genetic association between glycated hemoglobin levels and HK1 polymorphisms paves the way for further studies of the role of HK1 in hemoglobin glycation, glucose metabolism, and diabetes
